Lego CityUndercover, Nintendo Switch game
The action game (Wii-U version), which was awarded the German Children's Software Prize 2013 (TOMMI), is now appearing for the first time and with completely redesigned HD graphics for the current generation of consoles!
This is what the game is all about: The crime wave in Lego City just doesn't want to end - it's time for someone to take care of the wicked villain Rex Fury! You take on the role of the legendary undercover agent Chase McCain, who is supposed to bring Lego City back to safety from cunning crooks in an open game world. So that you can move undetected in the gangster milieu, you should camouflage yourself perfectly: Different outfits always give you new properties, for example you can break open doors and crack safes with the robber disguise. Bring your city to safety - and put the crooks behind bars!
Altersfreigabe Frei ab 6 Jahren Genre: Action EAN: 5051890307538 Erscheinungsdatum: 06.04.2017Rückgabe und Rückerstattung
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